Sunday, February 18, 2007

Michele Bachmann: "Black Tsunami" and Escalation"

In Bloomington yesterday, Bachmann talked about "the black tsunami that went across our nation November 7th" and more crazy stuff:

Here is a shorter video of Bachmann using the Vietnam-era E-word instead of "surge":

Friday, February 16, 2007

Michele Bachmann Is Totally Freaked Out

Michele Bachmann is worried about terrorists:

Bachmann Speech About Iraq War Resolution 2/15/07

Here's a video (missing the first part where she talks about watching the attacks on 9/11 at Perkins):

Monday, February 12, 2007

Bachmann Kiss & Tell

Michele Bachmann gave an interview to KKMS. Listen to MP3 audio file HERE.

Here's a You Tube video with Bachmann's words and pictures: